On Saturday, February 12 at 6pm, Sankofa Impact will collaborate with Nile’s Edge and Seattle Repertory Theater for an evening celebrating the incomparable Fannie Lou Hamer and healing the wounds of medical racism. The night will begin at 6:30pm with a Virtual Pilgrimage stop in Ruleville, Mississippi. We will explore medical racism against Black women and women of color and the impact today. After a short discussion, we will take our seats for the show.

Fannie: The Music and Life of Fannie Lou Hamer tells the impassioned story of American civil rights activist and hero, Fannie Lou Hamer.From her humble origins as the daughter of a Mississippi sharecropper, to co-founding the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party and demanding recognition at the National Democratic Convention, hers is a story of justice that will not be denied.

After the show, Nile’s Edge will host a panel called, “The Audacity of Black Wombs.” This discussion will be about the history and present-day atrocities around the experimentation and sterilization of Black women’s wombs, featuring Black femme leaders in wellness, art, and activism.