Tag Archives: History

International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade

The Transatlantic Slave Trade was the largest long distance forced movement of people in human...

Place-Based Learning

At Sankofa Impact a core value and component of our organization is providing our community...

Freedom Summer

On the side of an old country road in Neshoba County, Mississippi stands a lonely...

bell hooks

Born in 1952 into a family of nine, Gloria Jean Watkins grew up in the...

Whitney Plantation

Opening in 2014, Whitney Plantation was the first plantation turned museum that focused on enslavement...

Frederick Douglass

"What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July? I answer: a day that...

The Stonewall Inn

In Greenwich Village, sandwiched between tall brick buildings, a historic bar is adorned with rainbow...

Seattle’s Queer History

The history of the LGBTQIA+ community in the Seattle area has deep roots going back...

James Baldwin

Born in 1920s Harlem, James Baldwin was the first born of 9 children. He grew...

Juneteenth 2023: Reparations Now! Event

Join Africatown today at Jimi Hendrix Park for their Summer of Soul event celebrating Juneteenth....