Author Archives: sankofaimpact

Athletes and activism

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned through my involvement with Project Pilgrimage is...


Podcasts Against Racism Supporting Equity (PARSE) is a podcast club about anti-racism and open to...

First Baptist Church Visits Seattle

We have so many incredible stops on our pilgrimage journey, but it is always a...

Honoring Charleena Lyles

Our Pilgrimage groups delve into a rich history of the American south. We see some...

Project Community Garden

Project Pilgrimage is such an incredible program largely because of its organic nature. The program,...

Living Nonviolence: Workshop

Dr. Bernard Lafayette and Kate Lafayette came to Seattle and spent time with the Project...

Project Pilgrimage Spring 2017 Video Recap

We would like to say thank you to all our Pilgrimage alumni and contributors that...

Project Ignite

The Project Pilgrimage community came together for a fantastic event at Washington STEM in Seattle....

Virtual Pilgrimage Slider

Virtual Pilgrimages Historical context, reflection, and community building over Zoom