Tag Archives: Community

Ida B. Wells-Barnett

Ida B. Wells was born into enslavement in 1862 during the Civil War. In her...

Coffee X Vinyl

Sankofa Impact is opening our doors for monthly office hours. Come down and chat with...

Sankofa Impact Spring 2024

The Sankofa Impact Spring 2024 Newsletter is here! The newsletter includes a letter from Executive...

Henrietta Lacks

Henrietta Lacks was a Black tobacco farmer from southern Virginia, the wife of a steelworker...

The Four Way Restaurant

In 1946 The Four Way Grill opened its doors in Memphis, TN. Serving a warm...

Pilgrimage Portal

The Sankofa Impact team is recruiting for our next Pilgrimage to the South. We are...

Black History Month Reflection Questions

Sankofa Impact strives to continue the work in uncovering the often neglected, hidden, and erased...

Jimi Hendrix

James Marshall Hendrix was born in Seattle, WA in 1942. During his childhood his father...

GivingTuesday 2023

Today is Giving Tuesday, a day celebrating the power of collective kindness. Sankofa Impact is driven...

The Treaty of Point Elliott

The Salish Sea sends a gentle breeze that washes over the senses near the Rosehill...