Ta-Nehisi Coates was born in 1975 in Baltimore, Maryland. As a youth, Coates found a love for books and the written word and that love led to a successful career as an author and journalist. Some notable work includes, The Case for Reparations, Between the World and Me, and We Were Eight Years in Power

Coates has authored several pieces on Blackness in America and internationally. Outside of his work in non-fiction, Coates has written historical fantasy in The Water Dancer and for Marvel Comics graphic novels Black Panther and Captain America.

In his latest non-fiction work, The Message, Coates writes three interconnected essays on his first trip to Africa, his experience in South Carolina with the banning of his book, and finally his trip to Palestine. He explores the concepts of storytelling, narratives, and myths and their effects on reality. 

Powerfully written, Coates calls upon his audience of readers to accept truth over myth, even when the truth may be difficult, in order to embrace reality.

Ta-Nehisi Coates will be speaking at Seattle Arts and Lectures (SAL) about The Message on February 18th, 2025 at 7:30pm. Join SAL in welcoming Coates and listen in on the conversations about his experiences writing the book. Reserve your tickets through the SAL’s website.

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