Bryant’s Grocery | Money, MS
Two weeks after we returned to Seattle from our Spring 2020 Pilgrimage to the South, our community went into quarantine. The global pandemic had been an immense challenge for so many and yet, it has offered us a chance to re-imagine how we offer programming.
Sankofa Impact is proud to partner with companies, institutions, and organizations to offer a series of unique workshops intended to increase awareness of historical events that have defined and perpetuated systemic racism in the United States. The Pilgrimage-in-Place program takes participants to locations which create historical context, provide opportunities for participants to self-reflect and dialogue, and explore ideas on how to take action and make meaningful contributions, through in-person or virtual workshops.
The workshops are immersive, building on a theme that bring our place-based learning approach to life through vibrant slide decks and captivating storytelling. The Pilgrimage-in Place program embraces the opportunity to spend time with a wide range of participants that might otherwise not have the opportunity to travel with us to the South.
We look forward to working with you.