Category Archives: Programs

Reclaim History

The history of the United States resides within our collective memory through stories. For most...

Holiday Closure 2024

Happy Holidays from the Sankofa Impact Team! In the spirit of rest and rejuvenation, our...

Honors: American South Reunion

This past summer, Sankofa Impact partnered with the University of Washington and the Community Engagement...

Philanthropy Northwest’s Pilgrimage in Place

When we hosted the 2021 Philanthropy Northwest conference, our community was still in the throes...

Stone Mountain

A vast mountain of solid stone appears to have erupted from the ground. This impressive...

Coffee x Vinyl

We hold Coffee + Vinyl monthly on the last Thursday of every month. For this...

Coffee X Vinyl

Sankofa Impact is opening our doors for monthly office hours. Come down and chat with...

Land Acknowledgment

“Where common memory is lacking, where people do not share in the same past, there...

Platform: Quess? Moore

Quess? Moore and Eleanor Chang-Stucki led us through such a timely and much needed Platform...